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io games
I predict the library and popularity of io games to grow in the coming months as game makers continue to push ideas out into the world. By the end of 2022, I'm talking tens of thousands. Some are aiming for the Steam Greenlight, which will undoubtedly herald in a new age for them. Who Created the io Games? Indeed, who are the enigmatic figures behind these one-of-a-kind titles? Is there a secret, Illuminati-like organization here? What about the Freemasons? Officials from the government's secret service? Sorry for getting you all worked up, but no. Small-time game developers create io games. These can be smaller groups or even single persons, similar to clicker games. Some fantastic games were created by a one-man team led by Brazilian developer Matheus Valadares. These games have a strong indie vibe to them. They show that the developers have a lot of creative thinking and determination. To put it another way, io games are created by gamers like you.

io games